The weather wasnt the most cooperative in the morning so we figured we would use  that as an opportunity to do an indoor activity. It was certainly going to cost more than I wanted to  pay but I wanted to be able to compare it with my onsen experience in Japan and plus who doesnt like a little luxury from time to time?IMG_0232 (640x427)

after paying th girls and I split; I was lead upstairs and told to strip to just the little red plaid towel and then back down to a heavy wooden door, which, when opened, let out a steamy puff of swealtering heat.  Staring across the hazy expanse of marble , pierced by shafts of light let in by the soda-can-sized circular openings  in the domed roof, I had no idea what do do and it was so hot I was getting light headed.

Around the perimeter of the bath there were little rooms with fountains. I saw a man in one of them poiring water over himself so I followed suit, entering my own little chamber. The silver bowl inscribed with arabic characters had been worn away on the bottom to reveal that it was actually copper. I filled it up with cold water and let it spill down over my body and repeated this several times, which would bring only temporary relief from the stifiling heat.

I still had no idea what to do next though through all the qold water wrinses I was trying to observe the process. I went out and sat on the massive marble hexagon that was the center of the room. Men were laid out on the polished rock napping and one or two being scrubbed down.

When the guy doing the scrubbing finnished he came to me. looked at the wrist band they had put on me and got to work. Before soon I was slipping around in a cloud of bubbles while my back roasted. As soon as it began it was over but not before a quick massage,  which was fine except for when he crossed my arms over my chest and pushed down, which i felt like had cracked my sternum.

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Later we went down to check out the Basilica cisterns, which were built in the 6th century. We only barely made it in before closing time so we were shuffled through the place pretty fast but even in out short time in there it was pretty impressive to think that an entire city rested on the columns we were seeing and even more incredible is that it has only had a few faults.

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The stone behind Megan and Sara is a pedistal in the form of Madusa’s upside down head.It shows how they recycled stones that were either taken down or not carved to perfection.

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Speaking of recycling/ this whole wall was covered with broken ceramics.

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Batman lives in Istanbul, this package is for him.

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